OPEN CALL - Nightwalks with Teenagers
Are you between 16 and 18 years old? Would you like to create something unique, share your perspective as a young person, meet new friends, and showcase Aarhus in your very own way? Nightwalks with Teenagers is your chance to tell the story of what it means to be young in Aarhus right now – on your terms!
Nightwalks with Teenagers is a city walk created by the youth of the city. The project has already been a success in cities like Toronto, Canada, and Brisbane, Australia – and now it’s Aarhus’ turn! As a participant, you’ll design and create a unique experience through Aarhus, showing the city from your perspective.
The project is supprted by Den Jyske Kulturfond and presented in collaboration with Gender House Queer Arts Festival and Himherandit Production.

NIGHTWALKS WITH TEENAGERS is part of the official programme for ILT Festival 2025. And YOU decide what happens along the way, creating experiences that make the walk truly special.
Some examples could be:
- Take the audience to your favorite spot
- Host a TikTok challenge along the way, where the audience can help film and share
- Create a fun experience – like a spontaneous dance battle, a quiz, or a game
- Show Aarhus in a new way – through your secret spots, creative ideas, and personal perspective. The only limit is your imagination!
What will you do?
Over the course of two weeks, you will:
- Participate in workshops with with other young people and the artist group Mammalian Diving Reflex to develop the performance
- Be part of three walks with an audience as part of the ILT Festival 2025 program
- Create fun and creative activities for the audience that make the city walk unforgettable
Who can take part?
You must be between 16 and 18 years old. No prior experience is required – just curiosity and a willingness to join. We encourage everyone to apply, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or disability.
We aim to create a safe and open space where stories from diverse and broad perspectives can be shared. Therefore, we especially encourage individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ to apply and expect all participants to be queer allies. NB! Please note workshops will be in Danish, so you must be able to understand and talk the language.
Key dates
Meet & greet:
Tirsdag d. 8. april kl. 17.00-18.30
Torsdag d. 15. maj kl. 16.30-19.30
Lørdag d. 17. maj kl. 14.00-17.00
Søndag d. 18. maj kl. 14.00-20.00
Tirsdag d. 20. maj kl. 16.30-20.30
Onsdag d. 21. maj kl. 19.00-22.30
Torsdag d. 22. maj kl. 19.00-22.30
Fredag d. 23. maj kl. 19.00-22.30
Lørdag d. 24. maj kl. 19.00-22.30
Ready to take part?
Do you have any questions?
Please contact workshop coordianator Tone Lorenzen at +45 42461759 or email:
We look forward to hearing from you!

Kunstnerne bag
Mammalian Diving Reflex er et anerkendt canadisk kompagni, der skaber steds- og socialspecifikke performanceevents, teaterproduktioner, deltagelsesbaserede udstillingsinstallationer, videoer og kunstobjekter for at fremme dialog og nedbryde barrierer mellem mennesker på tværs af alle baggrunde.

HIMHERANDIT are an award winning performance company led by the artistic vision of Andreas Constantinou and are one of the leading Queer Art Companies in Denmark.
Amongst other HIMHERANDIT produces the THE GENDER HUT QUEER ARTS FESTIVAL - a comprehensive two-day event featuring a diverse program of LGBTQIA+ creative workshops, artist presentations, long table discussions, and performances.