Let’s talk about Diversity

As an attempt to move beyond the discussion of who are being represented on stage and who are not, this two-day international seminar sets out to make the strategies and practices visible for working towards more diversity within our audiences, institutions and artistic practices. Taking into consideration the plurality of both staff members, audience members and local members of the surrounding society this seminar gives insight to different hands-on examples of working with differences in a rewarding way.

It is our ambition to inspire, exchange experiences and collaboratively build new knowledge on the topic of future theatre practices across institutions and countries, and hereby develop new initiatives and networks in the field.

Building knowledge together starts with building a language. What we can say and what not are dilemmas we have all faced in conversations about age, gender, class and ethnic background. These conversations are challenging, and creating change is challenging. Yet failing and not-knowing are cornerstones in making art and also in conversations about diversity. Let’s try to talk about it, and let’s fail together.

We are welcoming all members of the industry regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality and education.

This is a two-day event. By signing up for the seminar, you sign up for both days. 

27. - 28. maj 2021

Scene Festival Centrum, Teatret Svalegangen


Torsdag 27. Maj kl. 13.00 - 16.15

Fredag 28. Maj kl. 13.00 - 16.15

PRIS Gratis – tilmelding er dog nødvendig

SPROG Engelsk

Det er muligt at deltage i seminaret både fysisk på Teatret Svalegangen, og online.  Se tilmelding længere nede på siden. 


We look forward to be welcoming


  • Tanja Diers, moderator of the seminar and Doctoral Student at Malmö Theatre Academy, Sweden


  • Lene Struck Madsen, project manager at Applaus, Denmark

  • Audrey Leboutte, Artistic coordinator of Zinnema, Belgium

  • Liv Helm, Artistic Leader of Husets Teater in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Sargun Oshana, Director at Theater Grob in Copenhagen, Denmark

Seminaret er organiseret i samarbejde med showcasen DANISH+

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Seminaret er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem DANISH+, forskningsgruppen Paradigms of Dramaturgy på Aarhus Universitet, Foreningen af Danske Dramaturger, ApplausPerforming Arts Platform og ILT Festivalen.

Seminaret er støttet af

Seminaret er støttet af Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond og Manchester x Aalborg x Aarhus samarbejdspulje.